Write for us

We at Solsburyhill.org always welcome new writers who want to guest post or contribute articles regularly. We are looking for experienced writers who can write good original quality articles on Different Topics.

Moreover, you can submit your posts right now by emailing us at email[@]solsburyhill.org. Our team will check the content and if it is eligible we will post it immediately.

Your Benefits

– You will get full credit for your articles. We will allow 1 do-follow backlink to any URL from your article.

Submission Requirements

– Your articles must be original and free from copyright infringement. They also should not be reproduced anywhere else including your own blog.

– You could write on almost any topic (except illegal niches like gambling, pharma, porn, etc).

– Your article must be at least 600 words in length and shouldn’t have irrelevant outbound links.

– You should submit the content in a word document(no PDFs allowed) with images separately and make sure images are copyright-free.

How we process articles

– We will review your content and decide if it fits our requirements.

– We hold the right to do minor edits to your articles.

– Expect your content to be posted in less than 5 days. If not you can reach out to us from our contact us page.

– You should not post the article elsewhere after we have published it or we have the right to remove it.

Sponsored Posts & Product Reviews

If you have any requests regarding sponsored posts or product/app reviews, don’t hesitate to contact us for more details. your article and images

Email us at belgradepawn[@]gmail.com your article and images.