Instagram Username

How to change Instagram username in 3 simple steps!!

Hey there! Planning to change your name on Instagram? You would be glad to know that it can be done in a few simple steps and you will be live with your new name within minutes.

Instagram has many amazing features that have made it one of the most used social media application. One of them is the ease to change the username on Instagram. Before we dive into the steps, let’s take a quick check on what is a username and how is it different from your display name.

The display name is the name below your avatar it can contain emojis and need not be unique whereas Username is the one that appears at the top of your profile and should be unique to you.

Here’s how one can change their Instagram user name within minutes:

Change username on Instagram App

  1. Log in to your Instagram account on Android or IOS and click on your profile
  2. Tap ‘Edit Profile’ below your bio
  3. Head on to the Username section and type the desired username

And it’s done. The username will change if it is available or you can add numbers or letters to make it unique.

Change username on Desktop/laptop

You can also change your username on the desktop, here’s how.

  1. Go to Instagram and login into your account
  2. Go to ‘Edit Profile’ in the profile section
  3. Click on Username and change Username

Once you have changed your username you can still go to your old username within 14 days. After that, you cannot retain your old usernames.

Some tips on choosing the right username for your profile

  • Keep it Original and relevant to the content on your profile.
  • A username should user-friendly that is it should easy to remember and pronounce
  • Don’t use many letters or numbers as it will make the name confusing
  • Keep it short
  • If the name you are trying to search is not available, add a word before or after to make it unique like official, I am, country name, etc.

Now is the time, to have an influential username you always desired for!

Feel free to reach out to us in case you have any queries or feedback.

Tags: Instagram Username, Change Instagram Username, Instagram username ideas, best username for Instagram, How to change Instagram username

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